Posted at 1:50 pm on November 25, 2012 by Fennux
Hey everyone,
We posted the “Everything is working fine now” in-world, but forgot to post it on our news feed.
That being said – everything is working fine now! Crafting has also been fixed.
NOTE: If you tried to craft Fennux when the Crafting Machines were not working, those Fennux are most likely considered “deleted” as far as our database is concerned. Any Fennux that pops up “Invalid State” in local chat when you click on them are deleted in our database, and cannot be used any longer – you will need a new set of Fennux to craft with.
-Team Fennux
Posted at 8:32 pm on November 23, 2012 by Fennux
We are performing some unscheduled maintenance on our servers.
During this time you will notice a lot of functionality being either slow or completely unresponsive. We recommend not doing anything with your Fennux during this time, just let them prance around for a bit while we work on the issues. (This includes but is not limited to Breeding, Dueling, Crafting)
Thanks so much for your patience,
Team Fennux
Posted at 9:35 am on November 19, 2012 by Fennux
We just released “Fennux Final Beta” on November 19, 2012.
This is the last planned beta before launch, so make sure you get in – test the heck out of it – and let us know your final thoughts before we release the actual Fennux to the world of Second Life.
Get Fennux Final Beta NOW:
(Click the URL above, and then click the giant link in the middle of the page to TP to one of our Official Fennux Sponsor Sims)
Thanks to everyone for helping test out our product, you guys and gals are amazing and we appreciate you more than you will ever know.
-Team Fennux
Posted at 12:57 am on November 16, 2012 by Fennux
Hey Fennux Enthusiasts!
It’s time for Fennux Public Beta to come to a halt. We have collected ample data from all of you, as well as solved all issues reported. This means that we will be removing all Fennux Public Beta objects from the grid within 6 hours max. IMPORTANT: Expect us to release one last, “Final Beta” in the coming days, so we can be sure we’re ready for launch.
Also, iPhone/iPod Touch users, preview our iOS app here:
Posted at 4:59 pm on November 3, 2012 by Fennux

Public Beta is now being distributed via Group Notice for “The Fennux” group on Second Life. If for some reason you have missed the notice, please view Past Group Notices for “The Fennux” group and search for the notice sent out on November 3rd with an object named “Fennux Crate V1.0 Public Beta”.
You do not need to be a Fennux Pre-Order Customer to participate in this beta! All users of Second Life are more than welcome to come and try out our breedable pet.
Fennux Public Beta – Complete Tutorial Video:
Fennux Public Beta – Getting Started Guide:
Change Log:
We will be rewarding users who find the most unexpected issues during Public Beta testing, so long as Team Fennux deems the issues found noteworthy of reward. We will be distributing up to 25 Gold Starter Packs.
We have put an object named “Fennux – account-creation/password-resetter” into the Supplies Box which is inside the Fennux Crate. You will need this object to be able to login to “My Fennux” ( ).
Thanks for supporting The Fennux project,
-Team Fennux
Posted at 12:21 pm on November 3, 2012 by Fennux
Hey everyone,
We are officially stopping Pre-Orders on November 03, 2012 at 11:59PM SLT. (aka in around 11 hours from this post)
Public Beta will be sent out sometime today (November 3, 2012) as well, so keep your eyes on “The Fennux” Group Notices as that is where the Fennux Crate will be sent to. (Since this is Public Beta, we don’t have to worry about any delivery systems restricting users from obtaining their Fennux.)
So that being said, thank you very much everyone for being so patient with us as we worked diligently on Public Beta, it’ll be in your hands before you know it.
-Team Fennux
Posted at 6:08 am on November 1, 2012 by Fennux
We have added 3 new open enrollment groups to help with the problem of people posting advertising in our main group chat:
The Fennux – Ads
This group is geared toward advertising markets, fennux sims, dueling sims, unofficial fennux groups, unofficial fennux events, unofficial fennux contests, unofficial third-party products, etc.
The Fennux – Sales
This group is designed to enable Fennux Sellers to offer official Fennux Products for sale, including but not limited to Fennux Dens, Live Fennux, and other transferable Fennux-made objects.
The Fennux – Trading
This group is designed to enable Fennux Traders to offer official Fennux Products for trade, including but not limited to Fennux Dens, Live Fennux, and other transferable Fennux-made objects.
Please join any/all of the groups whenever you wish, and know that advertising is NOT ALLOWED in our main group chat “The Fennux”.
Thanks for reading,
-Team Fennux
Posted at 4:09 pm on October 30, 2012 by Fennux
Private Beta Phase 2 will be ending shortly. (ETA: Nov 1, 2012 – SLT)
Pre-Orders will still be available for the next few days, but the moment Public Beta starts we are eliminating all methods of Pre-Ordering, so anyone who wants to purchase Fennux Starter Packs after Public Beta starts will have to do so after launch. (Starter Packs sold after launch will not include bonus items, and will not have a discounted price.)
Public Beta shall be starting up within days after Private Beta Phase 2 Concludes, so expect this soon!
Also, check the Fennux Homepage to see a new video, showcasing Dueling, Crafting, Breeding and some of the Wearable options of Fennux.
Thanks for reading,
-Team Fennux
Posted at 5:58 am on October 27, 2012 by Fennux

If you Pre-Order a Gold or Platinum Starter Pack – you will receive 1 randomly selected Limited Edition Fennux Starter Den at launch. This doubles if you Pre-Order a Diamond Starter Pack – you will receive 2 randomly selected Limited Edition Fennux Starter Dens at launch!
This offer is only valid to pre-order customers only. You can pre-order as many of the 3 participating packs (Gold, Platinum and Diamond) that you desire. For example, if you pre-order 10x Diamond Packs, you will receive 20x LE dens at launch. If you pre-order 5x Gold Packs, you will receive 5x LE Dens at launch. There is no limit to how many times you can pre-order on our end. If you Pre-Order 3 packs it’s possible to get one-of-each, but it’s also possible to get 3 of the same. (This is similar to our odds of getting a Male/Female Den)
Limited Edition Fennux Will Not Pass Their Coat On To Offspring!
This is very important that you understand that the coats will not pass to offspring.Think of Limited Edition Fennux as regular starter dens that have their textures overridden to look like an LE Coat instead of a regular looking Fennux. For example, it’s possible your LE Fennux is secretly an Amazon, adding even more wonder to the LE Dens.
Limited Edition Fennux Do Have The Ability To Pass Their Eyes On To Offspring!
Again, very important – the eyes on these dens are Limited Edition, and will only be available to these 3 different fennux. It is possible however to pass the eyes on to offspring of these LE Fennux.
Limited Edition Fennux Have A Chance At Having Tier 1 Ears, Tails and Hairs!
This means the actual coat will have a chance at having a trait. The odds are slim, but the odds do exist! This also means the LE Fennux can pass on the Tier 1 traits to offspring. Again, only the trait can pass – not the LE coats.
“Will these be made available to the public ever again?”
These coats will be permanently retired after Pre-Orders end. Here’s a hint, Pre-Orders will be ending VERY SOON. We are prepping to move into Public Beta instead of doing a “Phase 3 Private Beta”, which means we are moving faster than we had expected due to all of the support from our private beta testers. Team Fennux wants to say a huge THANK YOU to all of our beta testers, you folks rock. Hopefully we can figure out a way to reward you after launch and all of the dust settles.
Thanks for reading,
-Team Fennux
Posted at 4:38 pm on October 15, 2012 by Fennux

Team Fennux is sponsoring the “Cinema” event on Second Life. Tons of SL’s top creators are participating! If you would like to know more, your best bet is to either show up or look around Flickr and/or Plurk to see all of the commotion.
If you make it to the event (it’s almost always packed full of residents, so keep that in mind), you will find that by wearing “The Fennux” group tag and clicking a sign that you will receive a Fennux 3D Polar Grabber! This is a limited time free offer to any and all group members.
Before you go, please make sure to remove all laggy items. Scripted hair, shoes, animation over-riders, etc. need to stay home, otherwise you will not be able to pass through the anti-lag gateways, and of course you’ll just be laggy and obnoxious to other residents trying to shop.
So that’s that – make sure to get on over to the Cinema event sometime, it last for a while so if you can’t get in right away – don’t fret – just wait a day or two or three and you will eventually get your FREE Fennux 3D Polar Grabber.
(Note: Please do not IM any of our team members regarding not being able to get in on the sim, if you can’t – you can’t, we have no control over this event, we are merely participating. As I said before, this event will last long enough for each and every group member to get a grabber, just be patient. Thanks!)
-Team Fennux