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New Fennux Updates

Posted at 1:37 am on July 23, 2013 by Fennux


Team Fennux has been very quiet over the past couple of months. We’ve continued to release new Wishing Well LEs every month, we brought out the Capture Dueling Arenas and continue to update them, but other than that there has not been any other vital signs that we’re even alive. Well we are alive, and doing quite well! So well in fact that we’re now ready to share with the public what we’ve been up to behind the scenes this whole time.


We have not updated The Fennux in all of the 7 months that they have existed. We are nearing the time where we will be doing our first update. When we say update, we don’t mean a brand new game where we’ve changed everything – we simply mean a shinier version. So let me start off by detailing a few of the new features we’re adding to The Fennux.


We have added slight movements of the Fennux Eyes, they will look to the left and to the right, up and down, and diagonally. Fennux will now breathe slightly when asleep. Fennux will sometimes find a ball to play with, allowing for multiple Fennux to chase after the same one as if they’re playing together. Fennux will sometimes emit particles above their head depending on their mood or depending on what holiday is going on. Fennux will hop over to their dish of kibbles when they are hungry (so long as you have kibbles inĀ  range). Fennux are now able to be pet via the HUD, which is simply a fun new animation. Fennux will sometimes curl up next to each other and sleep (on purpose).


We also have added a lot of technical features such as storing the Activity Level inside the Fennux itself – you can configure this from your HUD now instead of requiring a Home. We fixed an issue where Fennux attached to Avatar Center (running along-side you) would randomly ball up every so often. We fixed an issue with the Fennux Head Sculpt showing a slight line on the sides of the cheeks, it now is completely smooth (sculpt type was cylinder, it is now torus). We fixed some hydration issues so that you can now hydrate a Fennux immediately after a successful mating (some people had issues, those people will no longer have issues). We added the ability to set your Fennux up on Web Market in a static pose, so your Fennux can sit, stand, etc. We added a method for creating unlimited mini-games / interactive items / etc, allowing Team Fennux to be able to release new content without requiring further updates (after this one). We also added a detection for whenever no one is around to actually see your Fennux, it will put them all in activity 0 to keep lag down. We are adding Path-finding options, and a few new animations to the mix. Oh and Fennux will have the ability to turn on or off Full Bright globally, so if you want to see your gorgeous Fennux Textures at their best – you can! We made this option able to be turned on/off for a reason, as not everyone wants full bright on their Fennux – but for those of you who do – enjoy!


We are adding a few updates to the Fennux HUD, such as the addition of a Tree Button on the INFO Tab, a TP to Fennux Main Store button and a Refresh Reserve Food button on the ME Tab. We changed the Eternal Merge button to have a red border (it also has Deletes Fennux sub-text) so people better know the difference between Merge and Pet, and lastly we added a way for creators of Fennux Packs (groups) to leave with the option of setting someone else as the head of the Pack.


A few new items will be showing up (some free, some for purchase, more details soon) including the Eternal Merge / Eternal Pet Reversal, this will reverse any merge or any pet that you or someone else has done, as well as a new Build-able Fennux Home – where your Fennux will actually seek out pieces of the home, retrieving them and building a useable home over time. We just made a way to eternal merge all recipes at once – including a controller to merge all on the same region at once.


There are also a few more surprises coming your way. We are listening to a lot of feedback (if you have any, submit a ticket, we LOVE Feedback!) and have a few more ideas for the secondary market, as well as ideas to create a new market of sorts – but more on that later. Please keep checking back here for more information regarding the planned update. If you need to ask a question directly, please submit a ticket to us. Thanks for reading and keep on breeding!


OH YES – we forgot to mention that the update will be hassle-free! We have a new method of updating Fennux in mass quantity (although the old method of obtaining a new HUD and rebuilding each Fennux one by one still works), but the mass quantity option may be better for breeders who own many Fennux.


-Team Fennux

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